Friday, May 04, 2007

FBO: 'Support for Theorem Rampant in Golden State'

You catch the Golden State game? FBO's theory that people do NOT necessarily like underdogs, but only underdogs who win, was backed up in a star-fangled furor last night, as non-North Californian stars poured into the likely win for Golden State over Dallas. Snoop Dogg -- who has cheered on USC and the Lakers in the past -- came upstate for court-side seats, as did Texan-born expats Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson, plus SoCal's own Kate Hudson. Bandwagoning in sport has never seen such a shameless display.

The FBO is, nevertheless, happy about Golden State's series win over the NBA's best team of the regular season. But the FBO has always been a Golden State fan. Why?

--> Because Golden State is the only pro team not named for a city, state or region. It's named for a nickname.

This is worth noting. Can you imagine the NY Giants changing their name to the Empire State Cougars? The Steelers becoming the Keystone State Bulldogs? The KC Chiefs becoming the Show-Me State Riddlers?

The FBO also applauds Golden State for its baffling throw-back jersey -- the retro uniform emblazoned with 'The City' from the team's days in San Francisco. This is priceless for a variety of reasons -- the tenacity of San Francisco calling itself 'THE City' is super, not to mention a team named for a STATE nickname calling itself 'The CITY.' And, Golden State, we support you.

But we were supporting you when you were losing. Let's see how many stars are on your sideline if and when you're down 0-3 against Houston or Utah or Phoenix or San Antonio or Detroit and playing to avoid elimination... We, and the Temps, wish we could be there.

FBO Admin
Mobile/Semi-Permanent HQ -- Brooklyn, NY


Robert Reid said...

The Golden State game I watched in 1999 or 2000 ranks up with the most pitiful sporting events I've ever seen... But the place was about 70% full for a mid-season worthless game against a poor opponent... I do remember Bay Area fans 'letting loose' with extravagant dance moves whenever the video prompter happened to put them on the mega-screens hanging over the court..

tom caw said...

Gold Soundz! Is it a crisis or a boring change?

Victorious Underdog Bandwagon: it sounds like a Bob Pollard song title.

The City! The State! As a wise man once said/sung: "The West Bay is the Best Way."

jimtarnation said...

golden state also ranks high on the "gotta love 'em" factor for this reason. noted NBA prolific scorer/asshole Rick Barry was (don't quote me but i'm pretty dang sure) the LAST person to shoot his free throws granny style, and he granny'd many up for the golden state warriors.