Wednesday, February 11, 2009

FBO: 'Best Play of All Time'


New York City is a like a big mean bad boss. He yells at you, he ignores you, he takes your input for granted, he really could care less about you. And your feelings. You can't stand him. But every once in a while, he'll stop, look over, and say seriously, 'good job' and you'll reel in joy for a week.

New York is like this too. The taxes are high, the subways are crappy and prices are rising, the roads are third-world, the Manhattan public libraries are closed on Sundays to save The City money.

Then things like this happen, IRT: A Tragedy in Three Stations as featured recently in a New York Times story. Possibly the best play of all time -- taking place on subway cars and platforms, with a funny moustache. I like the guy in the background, who might be the person quoted in the article, who stepped on a subway just as the door closed and found himself a couple feet from the in-progress play. He told the Times reporter:

“I have to admit, this is pretty good stuff, man.”

I sadly didn't catch it. Check out their website here, which claims that the play 'some of the finest and most available actors of this generation.'

FBO Admin
Mobile/Semi-Permanent HQ -- Brooklyn, NY

1 comment:

tom caw said...

This sounds like some TW-in-87 action. I'll bet you a Harrison dollar coin these guys used to watch the public access cable show.