Friday, January 02, 2009

FBO: 'Video Feed: Tall Tales' First Show in 14 Years'

Fourteen years. The time it took Axl to foster Chinese Democracy, the time lapsed between livehouse stage performances by FBO #001 Tall Tales.

To celebrate, the FBO's fourth-coming year in existence, here's a recorded video feed of Tall Tales' performance of 'What?' from the Deli in Norman in early November:

It could reasonably be argued that this show -- of a failed band returning to the stage -- was aided by the environment created by the Failed Bands of Oklahoma.

FBO Admin
Mobile/Semi-Permanent HQ -- Brooklyn, NY

1 comment:

tom caw said...

Fire Engine! (what?)

Nice fills, Alan. The backs could've been stronger, but Dannis Fallis still has it. I forgot what a convincing Jagger chicken walk he does. Where were the stuffed animals?