Monday, March 31, 2008

FBO: 'Clears Mark Knopfler'


A few weeks ago Mark Freuder Knopfler, who studied journalism and has a dinosaur named after him, was under consideration for a ban for spelling and pronunciation errors, and questionable use of headbands and shameless video tactics. The one-week investigation, part of the FBO's first and last Mark Knopfler Week, was prompted by FBO's Top Fan, and received much backlash from FBO observers.

The FBO has decided not to ban Mark because of the distance he keeps between himself and his works. In 2000, Mark told the New York Post his secrets for songwriting:

"I let the song be the boss. That's it. You treat a song like a person and do the right thing by it. Say, if a song didn't want any guitars on it, there wouldn't be any guitars, but if the song wants a concrete mixer, I'll give it that."

Perhaps, then, the blame regarding his errors is out of his hands? It is the songs -- 'Expresso Love,' the regrettable 'Walk of Life' -- that are to be blamed.

FBO Admin
Mobile/Semi-Permanent HQ -- Brooklyn, NY

1 comment:

Trott said...

Fine work, FBO! I agree! This was something I could have only come to realize through FBO's painstaking research. Based upon the evidence at hand, the blame lies with the songs, not with the songwriter.

Accordingly, please ban "Les Boys" immediately.